New calculator – fuel combustion heat energy calculator

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New calculator – fuel combustion heat energy calculator

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Fuel combustion heat energy calculator is developed for calculaton of heat energy (heat power) that is released during combustion of specied fuel for known fuel flow rate. Calculator is also suitable for inverse calculation of fuel flow rate for known heat power.
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Calculation features:
    • Calculation of fuel flow rate for given heat energy (heat power).
      This is the case when you want to know how much fuel is required to produce specified heat energy - power. [/list
      • Calculation of heat energy (heat power) created from combustion of specified fuel flow rate.
        This is the case when you know fuel flow rate and you want to know how much heat energy that fuel can create during combustion.
      • Calculation of fuel heat value for given heat power and flow rate.
        This is the case when you want to check the heat value (or quality of fuel) based on the specified flow rate and released heat energy - power.
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    New domain, new hosting service, new software architecture

    As you can notice, fuel combustion heat energy calculator is, unlike old calculators, now available not as Java applet but as web application running inside your favorite browser. This is major change in calculators developing progress that will be in place for further calculator’s releases and updates of existing calculators. All calculators at will remain availble as they were, but with new updates calculators will be published on new platform as web applications. Hope that this change will be appriciated by end users like you. This change will be in progress in months to come, as considerable amount of time and work is required to finalize this job.

    In order to make this change possible I have opened new hosting account with new Internet service provider from which I expect to get high quality web service for smooth calculator work and quality end user experience. New calculators will be developed and updated using actual technology of today replacing old fashioned ones in previous versions.

    I have also registered new domain name (, which is actually the same as existing one (, but with .net top level domain to point out that new calculators are network applications designed as client – server applications.

    All this changes are enabling calculator’s use with mobile devices. As calculators are web applications you can use your smart phone, tablet, iPad (Android, iOS, Windows) for all calculation features, which wasn’t possible with old Java applet calculators.

    I hope that all this changes will be welcomed by you as end user and that in time to come you will find pipeflowcalculations web sites suitable tool for every day problems solving in the field of flow calculations in general.
Pipe flow calculations - since 2000
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