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Pipe Diamter Calculation

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:27 pm
by ronvw
I have been asked to calculate the following for a friend of mine. Its been a while since I did any physics especialy pipe flow calcs. Maybe somoene can help me out as I could not get the calculator to figure this one out.
A volume of 7.2 cu m of glycerol (0.934 Pa s) is pumped through a 15m length of pipe in 55 min. The pressure at the input end of the pipe is 860 Kpa and the pressure the output end is atmospheric. What is the pipe's radius?
Any help would be much appreciated.

Re: Pipe Diamter Calculation

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:31 pm
by admin
Here is the report that I have with pressure drop calculator at:

Pipe pressure drop calculator CALCULATION REPORT
1. volumetric flow rate (q): q = 0.131 m3/min
2. mass flow rate (w): w = 7860.009 kg/h
3. lenght (L): L = 15 m
4. diameter (D): D = 34.696 mm
5. pipe roughness (kr): kr = 0.1 mm
6. density (ρ): ρ = 1000 kg/m3
7. kinematic viscosity (ν): ν = 934 mm2/s
8. dynamic viscosity (μ): μ = 0.934 Pas
9. local resistance coefficient (K ): K = 0.0
10. velocity (V): V = 2.3092563 m/s
11. cross section area (A): A = 945.47217 mm2
12. friction coefficient (f): f = 0.74606264
13. Reynolds number (Re): Re = 85.78368
14. boundary layer (δ): δ = 44.24028 mm
15. pressure on the pipe start (p1): p1 = 961325 Pa
16. pressure on the pipe end (p2): p2 = 101319.19 Pa
17. pressure drop (p1-p2): p1-p2 = 860005.8 Pa

I get it by using different entries for D until I get p2 almost equal to atm. pressure.

Also please change density for your value.